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Topic review


Re: protocol

OK, I see. I'm afraid there is no way to recover your files. All the files were removed one by one to the name you have specified, overwriting the previous. So now you have only the last file.


I'm using protocol "SCP" with WinSCP3....


Re: "Move to..." option trying to move multiple files to new dir

What protocol are you using?

"Move to..." option trying to move multiple files to new dir

I ran into a potential problem... hopefully there is a way to resolve my issue, but I was using the "move to..." option to move a group of files to a new directory I had created.... well, I miss typed the name of the directory and now there exists a file with the miss typed directory name... So is there a way to recover my files from this file? Does it just think it is a file instead of a directory somehow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!