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Re: Is it too much to ask to display server name?

OK :-)

Re: Is it too much to ask to display server name?

martin wrote:

You can add session name to FAR window title:
Options > Plugins configuration > WinSCP > Interface settings > Show session name in window title

Thanks! I've been using FAR plugin for years and I never looked there. For users like me it might be a good idea to have this option ON by default. I wonder how much people know about it's existence. Why not to turn it on by default?

Re: Is it too much to ask to display server name?

You can add session name to FAR window title:
Options > Plugins configuration > WinSCP > Interface settings > Show session name in window title

Is it too much to ask to display server name?

I cannot distinguish between serveral sessions opened. For example one FAR instance is running SCP access to: gameserv , the other one to dbserver. When I switch between FARs (and I have 4 or more FAR instances running at the same time) sometimes I cannot understand where I am. Usually I got to open some files or dirs or run commands to understand where I'm. Imagine 4 FAR's instances with 2 different UX servers in each panel, each server has a typical folder structure and you would understand me.

It would be a great improvement if you add server name in the beginning of the command line, like this:


the server name could be taken from session setup