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Re: batch: synchronize local not working - proxy problem?

Please read FAQ.

django wrote:

Now I have tried the very same script at home and synchronizing works fine.
Are there any known issues concerning clients behind a proxy?

This problem cannot be caused by proxy.

batch: synchronize local not working - proxy problem?

Hello everyone,

I've been desparately trying to get this script running:
open me@myserver

cd /var/www/virtualbackup/mysql/daily/test
lcd _test
option transfer automatic
option batch on
option confirm off
synchronize local
# get *

- Connection works
- cd and lcd work
- options fine

Then is says: "Synchronizing..." but ist doesn't do anything.
When I activate the line "get *", it works fine - all files are going to the local folder.
But downloading all files available will hit my traffic limit.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance
django from Munich

Now I have tried the very same script at home and synchronizing works fine.
Are there any known issues concerning clients behind a proxy?

Thanks again