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Re: Error skipping startup message bug

bblackmoor wrote:

martin wrote:

Please try to specify "/bin/bash" shell on Shell tab of Login dialog. Try this even if BASH is already your default shell.

I have specified "/bin/bash" as my shell, but I also get this error on some hosts. On these same hosts, I use Putty without problem.

Take a look at:
Scroll to the bottom of the page. There's the answer. I've noticed on some distributions this option is enabled and others don't have the option listed in the sudoers file.


Re: Error skipping startup message bug

See documentation for details about "Error skipping startup message" error.

Re: Error skipping startup message bug

martin wrote:

Please try to specify "/bin/bash" shell on Shell tab of Login dialog. Try this even if BASH is already your default shell.

I have specified "/bin/bash" as my shell, but I also get this error on some hosts. On these same hosts, I use Putty without problem.

Re: Error skipping startup message bug

Please try to specify "/bin/bash" shell on Shell tab of Login dialog. Try this even if BASH is already your default shell.

Error skipping startup message bug

The host that I connect to may have a motd that is inappropriate for WinSCP possibly due to the use of accented characters. When WinSCP reaches the given point it will produce the error message "Error skipping startup message" then quits.

I've created a log file with putty and placed it with the motd file from the given host at the following URL: <invalid link removed>

WinSCP is great!