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Re: Saving Saved Sessions to an .ini file

firetom59 wrote:

Thanks for clearing that up. Is the session config within the same WinSCP.Ini, or is a seperate .ini file created for each saved session?

The same.

Re: Saving Saved Sessions to an .ini file

Thanks for clearing that up. Is the session config within the same WinSCP.Ini, or is a seperate .ini file created for each saved session?

Re: Saving Saved Sessions to an .ini file

Stored sessions are saved always to the same storage as configuration.

Saving Saved Sessions to an .ini file

We have been using WinSCP for a few months now and are having differing results when trying to connect to a Saved Session. We are running Win 2003 svr, and use SQL Server 2000 to automate sFTP's. Issue seems to happen when SQL tries to load a saved session. It works 100% of the time when the SQL accts are logged in, but is kinda flaky when they are not logged into the Svr console.

I know that WinSCP saves the SavedSession info in the registry, and the SQL Accts are local admins of the SQL Svr. I also know that we can have WinSCP save it's config info to a .ini file, but does this .ini also include SavedSession info?

I have a feeling that if we can have the SavedSessions saved to a .ini file, instead of the registry, we will resolve our issue.

How would I do that?