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Re: Just checking for progress on this...

rmfii wrote:

I was just checking in for an update on the FTP timestamping issue. I had to download a separate piece of software just to update timestamps on files once transferred. I'm hoping that WinSCP can implement a fix soon, because the mismatched timestamp thing is a huge hassle. Thank you!

Can we know wich software u used to update timestamp after transfering files ??

Just checking for progress on this...

I was just checking in for an update on the FTP timestamping issue. I had to download a separate piece of software just to update timestamps on files once transferred. I'm hoping that WinSCP can implement a fix soon, because the mismatched timestamp thing is a huge hassle. Thank you!

Re: MDTM command

Thanks for your post. This issue is being tracked already.

MDTM command

Hello all,

are there any plans to support the MDTM command in order to adjust timestamps for files transferred to the remote FTP server? Protocol used = Standard FTP.

I know, that MDTM originally was defined to get/retrieve timestamp information. But nowadays a lot of FTP server daemons support using this command in order to set a specific time-stamp during upload. Some commercial FTP clients (SmartFTP, WS_FTP, FTP Voyager) are using this feature explicitely. Even time zone differences could be retrieved and handeled automatically this way.

Is there any other chance to have the same timestamps on local and uploaded files when using the standard FTP protocol?
