Are you editing local files or what?
Yes, for example before transferring them.
Would be worth mentioning that initialy.
Well you are editing file on Windows, so WinSCP uses CRLF.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Are you editing local files or what?
Yes, for example before transferring them.
Are you editing local files or what?
The server protocol is SFTP with "Allow SCP fallback", but no transfer is ever taking place.
I'm encountering the same bug in 4.1.8. The internal editor will save the newlines in a file as CRLFs, no matter what. This does not involve any transfers. Simply edit a LF-separated file with the built-in editor, then save it. Notice that the linbreaks have been converted to CR/LF.
It does not matter, but I had the end-of-line characters set to "LF" in my Server Environment preferences.
Only if you configure it to do so.
The internal editor supports only Windows-format text files.