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Re: Why WinScp doesn't update ?

It is hardly related to the OS. Probably not even to the WinSCP. Actually I have no idea what may be causing the problem.

Why WinScp doesn't update ?

I have been using WinScp happily in Windows XP, and now I've changed to Windows Vista, and installed WinSCP417
The problem is that there is error_log file in remote server, and if I download the error_log file it's not being updated.
So if I try to find some phrase, it doesn't find, but if I go to the server directly via SSH and open the error_log via vi, I can find the phrase I am looking for, and I found the error_log I download the Winscp was still yesterdays. It's same no matter how many times I press refresh button.

Is it a WinScp bug or Vista Bug or should I set some config somewhere?
