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Topic review


Re: Access dates not being tranffered correctly

Can you try to download file to local drive instead to network drive (if it is what you are doing)?

Re: Access dates not being tranffered correctly

martin wrote:

What protocol are you using? What is your server? What is your local file system?

The protocol is SFTP
I do not know what the remote server is I assune *nix
Local machine is Windows XP SP3 using NTFS with a NetWare Client 4.91 SP4 for Windows going to a Netware 6.5 SP7 server.

Re: Access dates not being tranffered correctly

What protocol are you using? What is your server? What is your local file system?

Access dates not being tranffered correctly

Hi ;
Thanks for a great product. I my users have found an issue when transferring files from a remote site to a local server the date on the remote file shows 12/08/2008 the date on the local file shows 12/31/1997. I first went in and updated the software to the latest release 4.1.8 . I then went in and played with the settings and tried all three none work.
Anybody have any ideas?