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i didn't understand how to do so....

can please post here an example how to do so ...? root@localhost

Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "root".
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] root@
winscp> ls -la
Unknown switch 'la'.
winscp> /bin/bash
Unknown command '/bin/bash'.

please help

Re: How to supply Enviroment SCP/Shell /bin/bash

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How to supply Enviroment SCP/Shell /bin/bash


I'm having an unusual device called Covergence SBC and I need to copy the file from it every night via SCP. Over the gui it works only when I change in the Environment SCP/Shell to "/bin/bash" instead of "Default". When I'm trying to automate the script using command line, WinSCP can login but stops on "Starting Session" and hangs there. So I'm suspecting the Environment settings are used as "Default" when program called from command line. I looked through the guide for the options and not finding anything related to that. How I can change WinSCP command line option for Environment?
Thank you!
