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version is 416

Hi, I too type passwd in terminal ->

Host hasn't answerer for 15 seconds.
Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing abort button will close session.
Waring: Aborting this operation will close connection!
[Abort] [Retry]

But my password changed and can't access!

Re: passwd on the terminal

Personally Id prefer to just use WinSCP. Is there a way to have a terminal window integrated with it, possibly using another more basic terminal than tunnelier?

That would mean to establish new terminal connection in addition to the SCP/SFTP one. The same effect can be achieved using "Open in Putty" command (if you have Putty SSH terminal installed).

Re: passwd on the terminal

martin wrote:

martin wrote:

May I ask why this is?

For two reasons:
- I have not implemented terminal input
- Most of programs require TTY (interactive terminal) to process user input. WinSCP cannot have TTY as it is incompatible with SCP/SFTP.

Right now Im using two ssh programs for a project. I like WinSCP because I can edit files directly off the server using Textpad. But since I can't use a terminal in the usual way, I use Tunnelier for its terminal.

Personally Id prefer to just use WinSCP. Is there a way to have a terminal window integrated with it, possibly using another more basic terminal than tunnelier?


Re: passwd on the terminal

martin wrote:

May I ask why this is?

For two reasons:
- I have not implemented terminal input
- Most of programs require TTY (interactive terminal) to process user input. WinSCP cannot have TTY as it is incompatible with SCP/SFTP.

Re: passwd on the terminal

martin wrote:

You may NOT use commands that require input from user in Terminal window.

May I ask why this is?

ok. thanks for your reply!

Re: passwd on the terminal

You may NOT use commands that require input from user in Terminal window.

passwd on the terminal

I have a problem with the passwd command on WinSCP 3.3.0
I open the terminal (Crt+T)
type "passwd" and have the following message:
Host hasn't answerer for 15 seconds.
Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing abort button will close session.
Waring: Aborting this operation will close connection!
[Abort] [Retry]
I have pressed Retry a lot of times and there is always the same message.

on another host, i got this message:
Command "passwd"
failed with return code 3 and error message
Unexpected failure. Password file/table unchanged..

What can i do to solve these problems?

thanks in advance!