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Re: Change how Synchronize Browsing fails

reisio wrote:

Couldn't there be a pref for the option of having it just cancel the request (not even a popup error)?

Thanks for your post. This issue has been added to tracker.

Re: Change how Synchronize Browsing fails

martin wrote:

More users prefer creating the opposite directory instead. This is what will be added in the next release.

Couldn't there be a pref for the option of having it just cancel the request (not even a popup error)?
It's quite tedious to have to click one or two popup dialogs, then get local and remote paths to match again, then turn synchronized browsing back on.

Even just suppressing the popup errors (and maybe just giving an indicator in the file list for the directory not existing) would be great.

Some people I know are interested in moving to WinSCP from FTP Voyager, but this would be a sticking point – FTP Voyager's sync feature doesn't completely shut down if a directory doesn't exist, it just puts up an icon in the tree view saying so (screenshot: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>).

I hadn't thought of that. Works for me, as long as there's some sort of warning message shown when the corresponding directory is created: "Warning: created corresponding directory in opposite panel."


Re: Change how Synchronize Browsing fails

More users prefer creating the opposite directory instead. This is what will be added in the next release.

Change how Synchronize Browsing fails

I usually leave "Synchronize Browsing" turned on, as it makes matching the two machines' files much easier. However, if I try to go into a directory one one machine that doesn't exist on the other, WinSCP put up the error message "Cannot open corresponding directory in the opposite panel. Directory browsing synchronisation failed. It has been turned off." I've gotten in trouble a couple of times after this has happened, assuming that "Synchronize Browsing" is on when it has actually been turned off. For example, if after the above error I disconnect and reconnect, I'll be looking at the same directories, but navigating in one will NOT navigate in the other.

Suggestion: if "Synchronize Browsing" is on, and the user tries to navigate to a directory on one machine that doesn't exist on the other, ignore the navigation request and put up the following error: "Cannot change directory because Synchronize Browsing is on and there is no corresponding directory in the opposite panel. If you wish to change to this directory, turn off Synchronize Browsing."
