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Topic review


OK, more precisely: Does not FTP/SFTP server support UTF-8? BTW, which one do you use?

martin wrote:

Does your server support UTF-8 at all?

Yes, I think so.
If I set putty to use UTF-8 the files are display correctly.

Does your server support UTF-8 at all?

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your reply. I've read the FAQ and tried to set "UTF-8 encoding" from Auto to On and Off, but filenames with special character are where still displayed wrong.

What can I do ?


Re: WinSCP and Character Set

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

WinSCP and Character Set

I'm using WinSCP to access my NAS. Samba is set up to use Western European character set CP1252 and the files copied to NAS via Samba are displayed correctly with all german special characters (ÖÄÜöäüß) in Windows Explorer.

Over a WinSCP connection I the special characters are not display correctly (as in a putty session).

Is there a way to define a character set in WinSCP ?

Thanks for your reply,