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Topic review


Hemebond wrote:

Would be nice if the WinSCP CLI had a way to recursively compare directories and output the different files.[/list]

I believe that you will find some tools for that.

I'm tryin to do something very similar to the original poster. I am wanting to
  1. compare a local and remote directory
  2. download the changes to a new local directory
  3. check that the download was successful
  4. copy the new files over the old local files
I need to do this because quite often the synchronisation will fail and the files I'm synchronising include the WinSCP INI and script files.

I'm currently looking at backing up the current directory before synchronising and then reverting changes if WinSCP fails. I think that's a better approach anyway.

Would be nice if the WinSCP CLI had a way to recursively compare directories and output the different files.[/list]

Re: synchronize to new folder

Starmark wrote:

Ya... But i need to read only downloaded files from my program and i will not be knowing the file names even.Can u suggest me is there any way to take latest files.

So then you have to remember in your program, what files you have processed already and process only the new one.

Re: synchronize to new folder

martin wrote:

OK, How can it tell which files are new if it has nothing to compare against?

Ya... But i need to read only downloaded files from my program and i will not be knowing the file names even.Can u suggest me is there any way to take latest files.


Re: synchronize to new folder

OK, How can it tell which files are new if it has nothing to compare against?

Re: synchronize to new folder

martin wrote:

Starmark wrote:

I want to synchronize to local in new folder.

What does it mean "synchronize in new folder"?

I mean every day i am going to download from ftp. It should download new files in new folder (current date folder).Please help me in this.


Re: synchronize to new folder

Starmark wrote:

I want to synchronize to local in new folder.

What does it mean "synchronize in new folder"?

synchronize to new folder

Hi all,
I want to synchronize to local in new folder. It should download only latest files from the remote to new folder. Please help me for this.
