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Re: Filenames being changed when using drag-and-drop copy

By "sometimes" I mean it happens with certain files every time, but with other files not at all.

I get the same problem using Copy from menu, not just drag-and-drop.

Session protocol : SSH-2

FTP protocol : SFTP-3

Winscp version : 4.0.5

martin wrote:

I'm not able to reproduce the problem.

What does it mean sometimes? Is the problem intermittent? Or does it happen with some file only? I mean does it happen whenever you download file DOWNUTIL2_SUN_6137663028.txt?

Also does it happen if you download files by other means that drag&drop? E.g. from menu?

What protocol are you using?
What version of WinSCP?

Re: Filenames being changed when using drag-and-drop copy

I'm not able to reproduce the problem.

What does it mean sometimes? Is the problem intermittent? Or does it happen with some file only? I mean does it happen whenever you download file DOWNUTIL2_SUN_6137663028.txt?

Also does it happen if you download files by other means that drag&drop? E.g. from menu?

What protocol are you using?
What version of WinSCP?

Filenames being changed when using drag-and-drop copy

I'm using drag-and-drop to copy files from the Remote to the Local window, and sometimes filenames get changed, although the contents seem unaffected. For example, filename DOWNUTIL2_SUN_6137663028.txt getting changed to DOWNUTIL2_%53UN_6137663028.txt
So, it looks like some upper-case alphabetics are translated to a code, in the example above S translated to %53