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Topic review


Can you post a screenshot of panels before you synchronize?

martin wrote:

So WinSCP shows timestamps of both remote and local file to be the same, although you have modified local one recently?

I would say yes, Martin, though I haven't regarded the time stamps: 5 files in local and the same 5 files in remote folder, then modify 2 files (e.g. add text, 5 lines etc.) in local folder, then synchronize (or preview synchronizing), then a message displays (something like), "No changes", nothing to sync.

Nice greetings, Dirk

I'm sorry, I've may not understood.
So WinSCP shows timestamps of both remote and local file to be the same, although you have modified local one recently?

Many thanks for this advice, Martin,

I am very pleased about it.

I had already done it before posting. And I had found any reason, why WinSCP shows, that all the files in two folders are equal, do not need to be synchronized, though files have been modified.

Nice greetings, Dirk

Re: Though modified, the file will not be synchronized?

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

Though modified, the file will not be synchronized?

When synchronizing (in preview mode) a remote with a local folder, WinSCP shows, that there is any file to synchronize, though just before I have modified one by adding e.g. some lines to the opened local file.

Why is that?

Nice greetings, Dirk.