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Topic review


No I hadn't. But you've shown me my bad writing. Overlooked my dyslectic spelling. :cry:

It's working like a charm. Thanx for noticing.

Re: portable version adding language

So you do NOT have "Dutch" in menu shown once you click Language button?

If the directory listing your have posted is verbatim, the problem is caused by the name of .nl file. It should be, not

portable version adding language

I've obtained a portable version. Put it on our novell drive as follows:

01-12-2008 20:48 488.448
22-01-2009 15:31 1.305.600 winscp418.exe
22-01-2009 15:47 37.610 winscp418.ini

But how do i get it to use the language file? Only English is available.