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Re: Help to adjust WinSCP

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Re: Help to adjust WinSCP

martin wrote:

Vitalyk wrote:

martin wrote:

If you do not know, keep default 21.

I tried to enter number of port 21, on my site too recommended this port, but it is impossible to incorporate. There is a message: Error. Timeout detected.

Can you connect using any other FTP client?

At program use FileZilla Server too it is impossible to be connected. Error: connection to Server lost; error: could not connect to Server. I wish to understand, as to me to adjust these programs, as good of free programs.

Re: Help to adjust WinSCP

Vitalyk wrote:

martin wrote:

If you do not know, keep default 21.

I tried to enter number of port 21, on my site too recommended this port, but it is impossible to incorporate. There is a message: Error. Timeout detected.

Can you connect using any other FTP client?

Re: Help to adjust WinSCP

martin wrote:

If you do not know, keep default 21.

I tried to enter number of port 21, on my site too recommended this port, but it is impossible to incorporate. There is a message: Error. Timeout detected.

Re: Help to adjust WinSCP

If you do not know, keep default 21.

Help to adjust WinSCP

Prompt how to adjust, please, WinSCP for connection under report FTP. I will not understand, to what needs to enter port number. I have login and the password to my site with which I wish to work, about port know nothing, without port it is impossible to be connected.