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lutfisk wrote:

I am not home atm, but the log says nothing fancy what i can tell. The difference between winscp and filezilla log seems like when winscp includes file directory when executing the delete command, filezilla does not. if i manually write "DELE [filename]" in winscp, it works.

OK, so it seems rather like server-side bug, doesn't it?
According to FTP specification DELE command is followed by path to a file (not only a filename).

winscp log:
Ansluter till XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ...

Ansluten med XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Väntar på välkomstmeddelande...
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
220-You are user number 1 of 10 allowed.
220-Local time is now 16:50. Server port: 21.
220 You will be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity.
331 User XXXXXXXXX OK. Password required
PASS ************
230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
215 UNIX Type: L8
211-Extensions supported:
 MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
211 End.
Using FTP protocol.
Doing startup conversation with host.
257 "/" is your current location
Getting current directory name.
Återfår listing av kataloger...
200 TYPE is now ASCII
PORT 192,168,0,192,192,176
200 PORT command successful
150 Connecting to port 64091
226-Options: -a -l
226 5 matches total
Listing av kataloger lyckad
Startup conversation with host finished.
Cached directory change via "Volume_2" to "/Volume_2".
Getting current directory name.
Återfår listing av kataloger...
CWD /Volume_2/
250 OK. Current directory is /Volume_2
257 "/Volume_2" is your current location
200 TYPE is now ASCII
PORT 192,168,0,192,192,177
200 PORT command successful
150 Connecting to port 60143
226-Options: -a -l
226 8 matches total
Listing av kataloger lyckad
Deleting file ".DS_Store".
DELE /Volume_2/.DS_Store
550 Could not delete /Volume_2/.DS_Store: No such file or directory
Asking user:
Fel vid borttagning av filen '.DS_Store'. ("Could not delete /Volume_2/.DS_Store: No such file or directory")

full filezilla log:
Status:   Ansluter till XXXXXXXXXXXX...

Status:   Anslutningen etablerad, Väntar på välkomstmeddelande...
Svar:   220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
Svar:   220-You are user number 2 of 10 allowed.
Svar:   220-Local time is now 16:52. Server port: 21.
Svar:   220 You will be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Kommando:   USER XXXXXXX
Svar:   331 User XXXXXXXX OK. Password required
Kommando:   PASS ************
Svar:   230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Status:   Ansluten
Status:   Hämtar kataloglistning...
Kommando:   PWD
Svar:   257 "/" is your current location
Kommando:   TYPE I
Svar:   200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Kommando:   PORT 192,168,0,192,192,215
Svar:   200 PORT command successful
Kommando:   LIST
Svar:   150 Connecting to port 61311
Svar:   226-ASCII
Svar:   226-Options: -l
Svar:   226 3 matches total
Kommando:   PORT 192,168,0,192,192,216
Svar:   200 PORT command successful
Kommando:   LIST -a
Svar:   150 Connecting to port 61655
Svar:   226-ASCII
Svar:   226-Options: -a -l
Svar:   226 5 matches total
Status:   Kataloglistningen lyckades
Status:   Hämtar kataloglistning...
Kommando:   CWD Volume_2
Svar:   250 OK. Current directory is /Volume_2
Kommando:   PWD
Svar:   257 "/Volume_2" is your current location
Kommando:   PORT 192,168,0,192,192,217
Svar:   200 PORT command successful
Kommando:   LIST -a
Svar:   150 Connecting to port 61939
Svar:   226-ASCII
Svar:   226-Options: -a -l
Svar:   226 8 matches total
Status:   Beräknar serverns tidzonsskillnad...
Kommando:   MDTM .DS_Store
Svar:   213 20081203234135
Status:   Tidszonsskillnader: Servern: 0 sekunder. Lokalt: 3600 sekunder. Skillnad: 3600 sekunder.
Status:   Kataloglistningen lyckades
Kommando:   DELE .DS_Store
Svar:   250 Deleted .DS_Store

thank you for your reply!

I am not home atm, but the log says nothing fancy what i can tell. The difference between winscp and filezilla log seems like when winscp includes file directory when executing the delete command, filezilla does not. if i manually write "DELE [filename]" in winscp, it works.

i can post full log when i come home if you want.

Re: "Could not delete /Volume/file: No such file or directory"

Can you post a log file from Filezilla as well?

"Could not delete /Volume/file: No such file or directory"


I am having i problem with deleting files on a ftp with WinSCP. It works in Filezilla, but i prefer to use winscp!
the log:
DELE /Volume/file
550 Could not delete /Volume/file: No such file or directory
Asking user:
Fel vid borttagning av filen 'file'. ("Could not delete /Volume/file: No such file or directory")

but in filezilla log:
Command: DELE File
Answer: 250 Deleted File

the server is on a d-link dns-323

please help! i have searched everywhere :(