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Re: problem with subdirectory ...

Daniello wrote:

Ah now I understand it, interesing question. For protocol SCP only, everything working properly and subdirectory ... is visible also. By using protocol SFTP or SFTP Allow SCP fallback, client going to be frozen.

Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link to this topic. Thanks.

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

Daniello wrote:

martin wrote:

Daniello wrote:

Protocol ssh2, version openssh-server version 4.3p2-9etch3 (Debian linux stable)

OK, I've meant if you use SFTP or SCP.

Ah now I understand it, interesing question. For protocol SCP only, everything working properly and subdirectory ... is visible also. By using protocol SFTP or SFTP Allow SCP fallback, client going to be frozen.

Daniel Mihalyi

On the server side, openssh-server supported SFTP subsystem, configuration file /etc/sshd/sshd_config contains the following line:

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

Daniel Mihalyi

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

martin wrote:

Daniello wrote:

Protocol ssh2, version openssh-server version 4.3p2-9etch3 (Debian linux stable)

OK, I've meant if you use SFTP or SCP.

Ah now I understand it, interesing question. For protocol SCP only, everything working properly and subdirectory ... is visible also. By using protocol SFTP or SFTP Allow SCP fallback, client going to be frozen.

Daniel Mihalyi

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

Daniello wrote:

Protocol ssh2, version openssh-server version 4.3p2-9etch3 (Debian linux stable)

OK, I've meant if you use SFTP or SCP.

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

martin wrote:

What protocol are you using?

Protocol ssh2, version openssh-server version 4.3p2-9etch3 (Debian linux stable)


$ cd ~
$ mkdir work
$ chmod 700 work
$ cd work
$ mkdir ...

Then I try to connect from windows trough winscp to directory work and client frozen.

Daniel mihalyi

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

What protocol are you using?

Re: problem with subdirectory ...

daniello wrote:

I have any problems with change directory, that contains subdirectory named ... (under linux command mkdir ...)

then client froozen under w2k also xp professional

I have version 5.18 build 415

Daniel Mihalyi

Ops, opf course version 4.18 build 415 :)

problem with subdirectory ...

I have any problems with change directory, that contains subdirectory named ... (under linux command mkdir ...)

then client froozen under w2k also xp professional

I have version 5.18 build 415

Daniel Mihalyi