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Re: Instal help - WinSCP on two windows machines

Please read documentation.

Re: Instal help - WinSCP on two windows machines do I get a log from a Windows machine?

Re: Instal help - WinSCP on two windows machines

Please post a log file.

Instal help - WinSCP on two windows machines

Have copSSH on XP machine and WinSCP on 98se box. Tried to follow FAQ etc but failing miserably.

Can use WinSCP between 98 machine and a linux box. RealVNC works too.

Looks like problem lies with ths copSSH setup somewhere.

Could some kind soul please point me in the direction of a simple 'how to' or provide me some assistance to get the software running. Get network connection failed or timeout messages.

All input appreciated.

Thank you,