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Re: Chekboxes labels in Login window

martin wrote:

I have forwarded the issue to French translator.
Meanwhile, I'll prepare translation that at least shown the labels in English.


Re: Chekboxes labels in Login window

I have forwarded the issue to French translator.
Meanwhile, I'll prepare translation that at least shown the labels in English.

Re: Chekboxes labels in Login window

martin wrote:

Please post (or send me) a screenshot.

Hi Martin,
and thanks for your great work.

Here is the problem :

Re: Chekboxes labels in Login window

Please post (or send me) a screenshot.

Chekboxes labels in Login window


i noticed that checkboxes labels (folders reading options) in the login window for the environment > folders submenu aren't visible in the french localization of winscp (v.4.1.8) : all boxes are checked by default but i have no idea of what is checked ! Maybe just a problem with french localization, but i would be helpfull to have those labels ! Thanks !