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Topic review


Re: Export permission settings

OK I see. The carriage return is there, but your parser ignores it, right? CDATA does not change that. CDATA only makes < and & be parsed as regular characters.

Re: Export permission settings

It would be best if [CDATA] is used to render data that's returned from a "call". Thus, maintaining the format.

Please look into this..and perhaps, make it an enhancement.

Re: Export permission settings

I suppose you mean "output" within "call" element, right? I was rather referring you to "ls". But I see it does not cover all your needs.
Where do you miss carriage return? I do have them included in output. Regarding parsing. If you execute "ls" command in console, its output is server-specific.

Re: Export permission settings

All value>>-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 35376 Feb 12 2003 /usr/bin/chage -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 36216 Feb 12 2003 /usr/bin/gpasswd

Carriage return is missing from output value, what's the best way to parse the value of the "output" attribute ?

Re: Export permission settings

Check XML logging.

Export permission settings

What command could list file details in the following manner ?
Machine Name | File Name (With Path) | Attributes: Owner | Attributes: Group | Attributes: Is SGID? | Attributes: Is SUID? | Attributes: Permissions - ASCII | _u | bin | bin | No | No | lrwxrwxrwx