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Topic review


Re: I couldnot compiler,too!

Can you post whole make output. Your probably can see yourself, that the part you've posted does not say anything useful.

I couldnot compiler,too!

I was interested with Winscp ,but i couldnot come with the problem,who can help me?
** error 1 ** deleting crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.obj

** error 1 ** deleting lib\libeay32.lib

Look forward to your reply?

Re: No rule to make target

What version of WinSCP?
What make do you use to compile?

No rule to make target: Append

Sorry to post my question in two parts. I meant to click preview.

So my question is, what do I need to do to get the code to compile? Am I missing files, or am I missing lines in the makefile?


No rule to make target

Alright, so I am trying to compile WinSCP from source. When I run the following:

% make

I get this as output:

make: *** No rule to make target 'lib\ScpCore.lib', needed by 'WinSCP.exe'. Stop.