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Anonymous wrote:

hello. could you please delete this thread as my email is shown and i wish for my privacy to be kept. thank you!!

I have removed the email.

hello. could you please delete this thread as my email is shown and i wish for my privacy to be kept. thank you!!

same issue here on a Windows Server 2008 with latest Beta and stable tested. Connection to target PC works fine from any other PC here (copied winscp.ini for testing). No Firewall running.

. 2009-08-30 23:02:59.868 Connecting to 93.91.99.xx port 37991
. 2009-08-30 23:03:20.867 Failed to connect to 93.91.99.xx: Network error: Connection timed out
* 2009-08-30 23:03:20.927 (ESshFatal) Network error: Connection timed out.

I am having the same problem. Two weeks ago, I could log into a server and access it, but I cannot. I keep getting network connection error or the system is busy. Then the screen turns blank. I am using a Windows XP 32-bit. My friend with a Windows Vista 64-bit says the server function is working for him.

same problem here...even the task manager can't kill the mail is

Anonymous wrote:

I can't ping it or connect to any other ssh :(

So it is something with out iPod. Please seek advice on iPod-related forum then.

I can't ping it or connect to any other ssh :(

Re: winscp 4.1.8 (vista 32x) whenever i try to log in it freezes

Can you ping your iPod? Or connect with any other SSH client?

OP here.

I just tried on my vista laptop and it works, it dosent freeze up. Hm this is weird.

same problem :(

I am also running vista 32 bit and I have the exact same problem :(

oh my email is <email removed> if you need to send me something to try and fix it as i noticed from other problems.

Thank you!

winscp 4.1.8 (vista 32x) whenever i try to log in it freezes

Im trying to SSH into my ipod touch and after days of crawling through the web i cannot find an answer; which leads me to conclude theres a problem with my computer in trying to open winscp.

i have wi-fi turned on and everything if correct on the ipod end.

But, when i try to log in thru winscp i write in the host name, user and pass correctly (even tried playing around with the connection response timeout time) when i hit enter i i jsut get a blank log in screen - then it dosent respond - then i get the NETWORK ERROR: CONNECTION TIMED OUT error.

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