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Topic review


Rafal wrote:

Problem solved - user error. I misspelled the path while SUBSTing and used c:\\directory instead of c:\directory.
Funny thing is, in most application it worked fine.

Still, it would be worth solving the issue. However I'm not able to reproduce this on WinXP.
Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic. Thanks.

Problem solved - user error. I misspelled the path while SUBSTing and used c:\\directory instead of c:\directory.
Funny thing is, in most application it worked fine.

Thanks and sorry for the false alarm.

On startup. The login window don't even show.

Re: Error running from SUBST-ed drive (Vista)

When do you get the error with 4.2.1? On startup, on login, after login?

Error running from SUBST-ed drive (Vista)

for some reasons I would like to run WinSCP from a partition that is created with a SUBST command on Vista. It doesn't work though. The error message I get differs from version to version:
4.21 - invalid access to memory
4.18 - as above
4.04 - abnormal program termination
3.82 - invalid access to memory, then the login window opens, but it doesn't work
3.68 - as above
3.61 - EAccessViolation, then the login window opens, but it doesn't work
3.56, 3.50, 3.41, 3.40 - as above
3.30 - login window opens, but then abnormal program termination on login
3.20 - as above
3.10 - works!!!

When directly from the directory instead of SUBST-ed drive, it works without any problems (tried with 4.18 and 4.21)