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Re: Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small

Emanuele wrote:

The protocol I am using is SFTP.
My local machine is Windows, the remote server is unix.
This is just an instance of the problem of different conventions in treating daylight saving time in windows vs. unix. I have been battling with this problem for a long time, and I have seen it discussed already, see for example this: <invalid link removed>.
I would love if this could be solved.

WinSCP can handle that as well. See documentation. There must be something different about your server or configuration.

I also note that times sometimes also differ by a second or two, in addition to the daylight issue.

WinSCP ignores time difference smaller than two seconds.

I think the simple solution of treating two times equal if they differ by less than x should solve this problem (the user should be allowed to select x).

Sorry, that's not a solution, that's hack.

Please read the documentation page I've linked above. I hope you will be able to find out how to configure WinSCP to match your environment. If not let me know.

Re: Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small

The protocol I am using is SFTP.
My local machine is Windows, the remote server is unix.
This is just an instance of the problem of different conventions in treating daylight saving time in windows vs. unix. I have been battling with this problem for a long time, and I have seen it discussed already, see for example this: <invalid link removed>.
I would love if this could be solved.

I also note that times sometimes also differ by a second or two, in addition to the daylight issue. I think the simple solution of treating two times equal if they differ by less than x should solve this problem (the user should be allowed to select x).


Re: Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small

Emanuele wrote:

With daylight time saving, all the times are shifted by one hour (and thus the synchronization thinks all the files are newer).

Times of local or remote files? What protocol are you using?

Re: Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small

I am synchronizing between windows and UNIX. With daylight time saving, all the times are shifted by one hour (and thus the synchronization thinks all the files are newer). (As I mentioned this was also raised in Bug 52 in the Tracker, but I think the solution I propose is easier.)

Thanks for the quick feedback,

Re: Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small

I believe that WinSCP can be configured to match the remote-side time convention in most situations. What is exactly a problem you are facing?

Synchronization: consider time equal if difference small


as noted in Bug 52, synchronization PC/UNIX does not work because of difference in file sizes and daylight issues. I would like to suggest a quick fix: Could we have an option to consider the time equal if the difference is less than x seconds?
This should be quick and would solve my problems. I am currently using the (non-free) InstantSync software that has precisely such an option, and I set the time difference to a tiny bit more than one hour. (Suggestions of other free software that allows for that would be appreciated too!)
