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Well that's not a problem of WinSCP. It just does whatever your servers allow it to do. So either you have setup permissions incorrectly. Or your SFTP server circumvents them.

Yes it shows Directory listing that shouldnt be there. Its only with WINSCP

Re: WinSCP & SFTP Problem

Does WinSCP show contents of directories where you think the user should not have permissions to list it?

WinSCP & SFTP Problem

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me I currently have CYGWIN installed on a Windows 2003 server my client uses WINSCP to transfer files into there Home Directory, I have noticed that WINSCP allows the user to click a drop down box that allows them to view Full Directory Tree from Root / Descending and allows the user to enter these Directories?

But when using Putty Or another SSH Client the Tree directory cannot be accessed and they are locked (jailed) in there /home/~user every other directory you get permission denied which is exatcly what I wanted. So the question is why does WINSCP do this?


