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Re: Metadata lost while uploading PDF?

martin wrote:

WinSCP uploads files are they are. I do not know where metadata of PDF are stored to. Maybe they are stored to some external file, which you need to upload along with the PDF.

Thanks so much. A part of metadata information was stored in the Windows File system and that's why it was not getting transferred along with the file. Appreciate your help!

Re: Metadata lost while uploading PDF?

WinSCP uploads files are they are. I do not know where metadata of PDF are stored to. Maybe they are stored to some external file, which you need to upload along with the PDF.

Metadata lost while uploading PDF?

We "tag" a PDF file by putting 'title' information in 'Summary' and 'PDF' tabs of 'properties'. When we upload such a file using WinSCP, we notice that the title information is lost. Is there a limitation in WinSCP like that?
Thank you,