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sftp over usb

well for a jailbroken iphone you can use mywi to tether to your pc through usb then connect winscp to your devices ip like normal and its connected through usb.. much faster than over wifi


Yes please, IP over USB on the iDevices, please!

It would be great if there were an ethernet NIC emulator for USB out there that you could run (maybe on both the iPhone and the computer at the two ends of the USB cable) that would support tcp/ip. WinSCP (or any other software that wants to access one device from the other over the USB cable) could use that.

Maybe someone reading this thread knows of something out there like this?


Re: access iPhone/iPod via USB cable?

OK, but I definitely do not want to maintain another protocol. Sorry.

Re: access iPhone/iPod via USB cable?

martin wrote:

What does that mean? Does iPhone/iPod have some kind of protocol of their own to communicate over USB?

I don't know how you would build it in. There are other programs that run on a MAC or PC that access the filesystem of the iPod/iPhone over the USB cable, as well as programs that emulate NICs and serial interfaces over USB. I would guess that you either would have to build support for the methods used to access the device over USB into the WinSCP as an additional protocol or function, or an external program would be needed to make the device accessible via a private IP number so the USB interface looked like a NIC with an IP address. I know it's apples v oranges, but the iPhoneBrowser access the iPhone filesystem over the USB, albeit it does not do generic FTP/SCP functions over IP either. Your interface is much friendlier than the iPhoneBrowser's interface and your file management functionality is more robust.

Re: access iPhone/iPod via USB cable?

What does that mean? Does iPhone/iPod have some kind of protocol of their own to communicate over USB?

access iPhone/iPod via USB cable?

Is there any chance that WinSCP could ever work with an iPhone/iPod over the USB cable? I would think it could support much faster file transfers that way.