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Re: Where is the WINSCP Temporary File?? I have lost important d

Since 5.14, it is always possible to use drag&drop to move remote files to external applications, while copy is always the default operation.

Re: Where is the WINSCP Temporary File?? I have lost important d

SparxDesign wrote:

When I select files from remote server and drag them to desktop or something, it MOVES them from server, instead of copying. how can I make it so it automatically copys instead of moving it? (Like WS_FTP).

Please read FAQ (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>). If that does not help, come back.

I also can't find the TEMPORARY DIRECOTRY where WINSCP saves the files to, it says the default temp directory in settings, but where can I find this???

Check your TEMP or TMP environment variable. By default it points to:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp

Not sure on the second part, but did you try pressing <Ctrl> while dragging to copy instead of move?

Where is the WINSCP Temporary File?? I have lost important d

Hey people,

I love WINSP! It's the greatest FTP program. But I have a couple of problems.

When I select files from remote server and drag them to desktop or something, it MOVES them from server, instead of copying. how can I make it so it automatically copys instead of moving it? (Like WS_FTP).

Also to make matter worse, sometimes it doesn't actually move the file, and I have lost it from the server and no where to be seen on local drive. I also can't find the TEMPORARY DIRECOTRY where WINSCP saves the files to, it says the default temp directory in settings, but where can I find this???

Thanks - much appreciated!

Sheldon Kirk