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Re: ignoring download errors?

Yes, I was using SCP.

I have now tried SFTP and this is working a little bit better. Now the download doesn't get aborted anymore after some errors but still it requests an action from me for every single file it can't read. A "Skip all" button would be really great (so it can skips every file automatically).


Re: ignoring download errors?

I have found that it does not work properly with SCP protocol. Have you used SCP? Can you try SFTP instead?

I'll try to make it work with SCP as well in next version. But it may not be possible, due to protocol limitations.

Re: ignoring download errors?

just have learned that the download still gets aborted after several error messages.

Re: ignoring download errors?

ok at least it aborts not anymore after an permission error. but as the messages are still showing up i have to sit for 1h+ at the program and clicking the messages away so winscp continues the download. can there be done something about this? (like log errors to file but show no message box?)


Re: ignoring download errors?

There is option "Continue on error" on Preferences dialog. It may do, what you want.

ignoring download errors?

How can i set winSCP not to stop the download/show a message when a file which can't be downloaded (permissions) is in the download queue.

i try to mirror an rather large directory which has some forbidden files in subdirectories.
