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Topic review


strasharo wrote:

So, is it anyway to modify the traversal depth to be bigger than 6 dirs?

There's no such limit.

So, is it anyway to modify the traversal depth to be bigger than 6 dirs?

Re: Recursive Synchronization

supercleanse wrote:

but shouldn't WinSCP just skip the corrupt file instead of aborting the whole process altogether?

> help option
batch on/off
Toggles batch mode (all prompts are automatically replied

Is there a way to get it to skip files like this?


Re: Recursive Synchronization

I thought it was just stopping (because I was typing the command into the run dialog and the command prompt disappears instantly) but I typed the command into the command prompt and got this error message at the end of the sync:

C:\...\.Super Cleanse | 0 kB | 0.0 kB/s | binary | 0%
File or folder 'C:\mike\.Super Cleanse ' does not exist.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Abort

I think this file on my Hard Drive is corrupt -- and I can understand the program not liking a corrupt file, but shouldn't WinSCP just skip the corrupt file instead of aborting the whole process altogether? Is there a way to get it to skip files like this?


Re: Recursive Synchronization

supercleanse wrote:

Here's some more information -- it bombs out after syncing 191 directories with a maximum traversal depth of 6 directories.

What does mean "bombs out"? Some error message? Or does it just stop?

Can you see something specific on the directory where does it stop? Or on directories it does not enter?

Re: Recursive Synchronization

Here's some more information -- it bombs out after syncing 191 directories with a maximum traversal depth of 6 directories. Oh, and the command I issue is as follows: supercleanse /script=c:/supercleanse.sync

The file called supercleanse.sync contains only the commands listed in my previous post:

option batch on
option confirm on
option synchdelete off
synchronize remote "C:\Documents and Settings\supercleanse\My Documents" "/home/supercleanse/docs/My Documents"


Re: Recursive Synchronization

I am using the one-time synchronize command... I am using a script file that looks like this:

option batch on
option confirm on
option synchdelete off
synchronize remote "C:\Documents and Settings\supercleanse\My Documents" "/home/supercleanse/docs/My Documents"

What I'm seeing is that at a certain point in the synchronization, it stops and if I reinitiate the synchronization it just looks at the folders I just sync'ed and then exits -- as if there is some kind of hard-coded limit.


Re: Recursive Synchronization

You you want to do one-time synchronisation only (not continuous one), use "Synchornize" command, which does not have a limit.

Recursive Synchronization

Is it possible to override the limit on the number of folders you can sychronize within the sub-directory structure of a directory? I am trying to synchronize my "My Documents" folder with a remote SSH server -- it has 1000+ folders and heavily nested. It would be nice if I could do this.