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Re: putty Fatal Error

saravanan wrote:

What is the reason for the displaying Putty Fatal memory error in displaying dialogue box

You may find some hints here.

putty Fatal Error

What is the reason for the displaying Putty Fatal memory error in displaying dialogue box

Re: Login to *some* servers says "Putty fatal error - out of memory"

martin wrote:

WinSCP1 displays this misleading error message when you try to connect to SSH2-only server. WinSCP1 supports SSH1 only. Use WinSCP2 instead.

Thanks Martin, I will.

Re: Login to *some* servers says "Putty fatal error - out of memory"

WinSCP1 displays this misleading error message when you try to connect to SSH2-only server. WinSCP1 supports SSH1 only. Use WinSCP2 instead.

Login to *some* servers says "Putty fatal error - out of memory"


I've just installed WinSCP 1.0 and it seems to work fine. I can connect to a server and exchange files.

But to another server - running Debian Linux 3.0 - I cannot login. After filling in the logon screen WinSCP gives me an error dialog with title "Putty fatal error" and message "out of memory!". I'm most definitely not out of memory (384M) :-/

Any ideas?

Thanks, Rene