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Topic review


sykotic_nubcake wrote:

i asked a specific question in which your faq ... could not answer.

Correct. That's what the FAQ say.

typical forum admin. instead of just leaving the post to be answered you try to treat me like a retard and tell me its right in front of my face. its not in the faq. i asked a specific question in which your faq or the related site could not answer. so shut up

Re: Backing up cydia

Please read FAQ.

Backing up cydia

Well let me start by saying im pretty much 30 minutes new to open ssh. i've tried to stay away from it because it always looked like a very hokey and difficult way of doing things. And i was completely wrong. im decent with computers, so this basically looks like a very very simple registry/hard drive and adding removing or replacing files seems as easy as can be, i've already browsed through most everything and found most of what i wanted. (im sending my ipod in to apple for some warranty work and want to back up ALL my cydia stuff)
well i found all my cydia applications and copied them for later addition and i found all my themes for winterboard, copied them as well. And i also copied the application cydia because i saw that it help all the sources etc that i had to put in at one point to save myself some time. however, i cant find many things like the utilities from cydia such as "imobilecinema" or "five dock icons" is there a specific place to find this stuff or if i just completely replace the cydia app with the one i already backed up will it automaticaaly have this stuff included?

or is there a completely easier way to completely back up all cydia stuff that i currently have?

thank you for all your support. i will definitely be getting to know opessh a lot more for its speed and ease of use. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: