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Topic review


Re: Keep directory VIEWS in sync (not synchronize them)

Please read documentation on synchronized browsing. If that does not help, come back.

Keep directory VIEWS in sync (not synchronize them)

I spend a lot of time jumping back and forth between local directories and then have to switch remote directories to match the local one I'm in, and then maybe copy a file or two before switching directories again. I really wish the remote view would sync to the local view and vice versa whenever I change directories. If I change local directories, the remote site would try to switch to a corresponding directory. If I switch remote directories, the local one would switch the same way. Ideally, I would like to see it have the option to use the defined site directories, or to be able to switch it on without defined directories, you could have a toggle feature to let you toggle it on using the current directories and then all movements would be relative to the current directories without regard to the actual directory names. Anyway, even a basic implementation would probably save me 1000+ mouse clicks per day on some days. Other than that I have absolutely zero complaints with this awesome piece of free software. Like most great open-source projects, it's better than the paid alternatives.