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Re: Can not connect to AIX with WINSCP 4.0.0 and Privatekey

swissbusinet wrote:

This works to open the console:
winscp.exe /console /open s -privatekey=RSA.key.ppk /script scp_kript.scp

There's no /open command line parameter. It is simply ignored.

This don't work
winscp.exe /console /command "open s -privatekey=RSA.key.ppk" "ls"
I tried many variants. Including Skript file.

This is correct. Though -privatekey switch to open command (as opposite to command line parameter /privatekey) has been introduced in 4.1 only. Please upgrade.

Can not connect to AIX with WINSCP 4.0.0 and Privatekey

Hello all!

I'm nubie with WinSCP.
I tried to script a simple fetch with wildcard.
I have the version 4.0.0 and I could not update (all downlaods blocked by the security)

This works to open the console:
winscp.exe /console /open s -privatekey=RSA.key.ppk /script scp_kript.scp

This don't work
winscp.exe /console /command "open s -privatekey=RSA.key.ppk" "ls"
I tried many variants. Including Skript file.

My question is how to add commands.

The task I'm on is to change from passwd auth to pub/privat key.

The old command which works over years:
pscp -l user22 -pw xxx -q host21:mydir/%rep%*.CSV %basefiles%

(%rep% and %basefile% are win batch vars)

Who could help?