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Topic review


Far 2.0 is stable

Far 2.0 have a stable release. Please, fix your plugin for it. Thankyou.

Far 2.0.

Hello prikryl!
I would be very grateful for the unicode version (far 2.0) of your excellent plugin!

In "WinSCP as FAR Plugin 1.6.2" bug exists.

Re: Crash (Far 2.0 x86 + winscp plugin)

Will try that.

Crash (Far 2.0 x86 + winscp plugin)

Far 2.0 crashes after saving edited file.

"Copying files to remote side failed. Invalid access to memory" and
"Exception occured: Access violation (write to 0x00001008) Exception address: 0x0106DF30 in module: C:\Program Files\Far2\Far.exe"

1) probability of crash ~10-20%
2) files are symlinks
3) folder is symlink too
4) there are many files (>500) in remote folder
5) Far 1.71 works fine

Could you help to detect source of problem? Maybe add debug messages to plugin?

Link to Far bug tracker: