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Topic review


Re: Firewall

Yes,I've tried,it doesn't work.
Clear:This is not a telnet command.

And what it is then?
Somehow in proxy page is missing a proxy-type

Well, there's a proxy-type selector, it just maybe does not include your proxy.

Re: Firewall

martin wrote:

Have you tried to put "USER <remoteuser>@<remotehost>" (with actual values) to Telnet command box?

Yes,I've tried,it doesn't work.
Clear:This is not a telnet command.
Somehow in proxy page is missing a proxy-type
definition (like in Total Commander)
Thanks Gabor

Re: Firewall

Have you tried to put "USER <remoteuser>@<remotehost>" (with actual values) to Telnet command box?



I would like to use Winscp from behind a firewall.
On the proxy page I give the proxy hostname(without
user/pswd),and must achieve that the command
USER <remoteuser>@<remotehost> is forwarded
to the proxyhost. How can I do it.

In Total Commander it's no problem. Look at
the Firewall setting in Total Commander.

Thank you Gabor