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Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections wrote:

This is the error message:

Fatal: ssh_init: Network error: Connection refused

Again, the cygwin versions of scp and sftp work just fine. The putty versions and WinSCP do not work.

OK, can you report this to authors of Putty? WinSCP uses Putty code for SSH, I do not understand it well enough to fix it by myself.

Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections

martin wrote:

Why they do not work? Any error message?

This is the error message:

Fatal: ssh_init: Network error: Connection refused

Again, the cygwin versions of scp and sftp work just fine. The putty versions and WinSCP do not work.


Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections wrote:

The Putty SSH client (v. 0.53b) works, but pscp and psftp do NOT work from the command line.

Why they do not work? Any error message?

Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections

martin wrote:

Please try to connect with Putty SSH client. Let me know the results.

The Putty SSH client (v. 0.53b) works, but pscp and psftp do NOT work from the command line.


PS--sorry for the double post. The first one was posted as "Guest" and that seemed confusing. Trying to keep it consistent.

Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections

martin wrote:

Please try to connect with Putty SSH client. Let me know the results.

The Putty SSH client (v. 0.53b) works, but pscp and psftp do NOT work from the command line.

Re: network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections

Please try to connect with Putty SSH client. Let me know the results.

network error: connection refused, but only on certain connections

I connect to two servers, mainly, using ssh and scp.One of them works just fine with WinSCP, but the other one keeps giving me a "Network error: connection refused". I can connect to this same server just fine with the version of ssh that comes with Cygwin (ssh -version returns the following: OpenSSH_3.1p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090603f)). I am running Windows 2000, connecting through a wireless firewall to a DSL connection. Why might this be happening?

To sum up the problem again:

Server 1 (Solaris, SSH Version 1.2.26 [sparc-sun-solaris2.6], protocol version 1.5):
* connect via Cygwin/OpenSSH: OK
* connect via WinSCP: OK

Server 2: (Linux, OpenSSH_3.1p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090602f)
* connect via Cygwin/OpenSSH: OK
* connect via WinSCP: DOESN'T WORK!

Please advise. Thanks.
