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Topic review


Re: PGP Encryption and WinSCP F wrote:

Is there a remote chance WinSCP is decrypting the data?

That's nonsense.

PGP Encryption and WinSCP

An external client requests we encrypt data using PGP, and also send via secure ftp. They say that they can open our encrypted file in notepad (after renaming with a ".txt" extension) after we send it using WinSCP, and they can read the contents without PGP decryption.

If I try the same test before sending them the file, I see the encrypted text, as you would expect. They claim that the process of sending the data is decrypting it.

We are using version 4.2.1, build 428.
The protocol is ftp with SSL Explicit encryption.
Is there a remote chance WinSCP is decrypting the data? It is running on the same server as our PGP software.