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Re: No space left on device

skaboy71 wrote:

No..... she gets the same error when attempting a mkdir in SSH. Yes I have tried SFTP instead with a different error. but still no idea why.

OK, so it seems like it is not a bug of WinSCP.

Re: No space left on device

No..... she gets the same error when attempting a mkdir in SSH. Yes I have tried SFTP instead with a different error. but still no idea why.

martin wrote:

If she logs in using SSH terminal, is she able to create a directory? Have you tried SFTP instead of SCP?

Re: No space left on device

If she logs in using SSH terminal, is she able to create a directory? Have you tried SFTP instead of SCP?

No space left on device


I am running a FreeBSD 4.7 server and one of my friends who has an account on my server is using WinSCP and it has been exceptional so far but now, out of the blue, she is getting this error shown below. If I give her root access she does not get it any more and there is definitely still room on the drive. Can anyone tell me why this migh be happening?



Command 'mkdir "New folder"'
failed with return code 1 and error message
mkdir: New folder: No space left on device.