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Re: Another reply to myself

Slug wrote:

I tried the instructions in the FAQ.
I was not able to find anything in the regesrty keys referring to Martin Prikryl/winSCP 2

Maybe you have used INI file to store your settings...

Another reply to myself

I tried the instructions in the FAQ.
I was not able to find anything in the regesrty keys referring to Martin Prikryl/winSCP 2

DUH if I had only read the FAQ a little further.

How do I transfer my settings to another computer? How do I import/export my settings?
In case the source system is still online, please read documentation.

In case the source system is not online anymore, but you have an access to its data, you need to use 3rd party tool to open your registry file. You can try MiTeC Windows Registry File Viewer. Follow these steps:

Go to File > Open.
Locate registry hive file of your account. It is typically located in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\ntuser.dat.
Locate key Software/Martin Prikryl/WinSCP 2
Go to File > Export to REGEDIT4 format.
Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER and check Only selected key.
Save export to file of your choice.
Transfer the file to target system.
Import the registry export by opening it (double-click).

Traqnsfer setting to new computer

Probably has been asked before but I can't find the answer.
I want to transfer all my sign in information from one coputer to another so I don't have to manually imput all of them. Is there a way to do this? where is the file located and the name?


Also did not see anyplace to register for this forum