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Re: missing file

krm2009 wrote:

It is a internal shared drive subfolder.

OK, but can you post the path literally? I cannot help you otherwise.

missing file

It is a internal shared drive subfolder.SO if an error was encountered in the directory then should'nt there be some kind of error message.

Please advise.


Re: files missing

So what was the path you have actually used?

files missing

Hello All,

I actually wanted to copy the files to a shared drive, but by mistake I did not copy the full path, one of the forward slashes was not copied while I did a move to. Now the file is not found in the target loacation nor at the place from where I did move to.

This is WinSCP Ver 4.2.2.

If some one can throw some light as to where and how I could retrieve the files it will be much appreciated.
