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Topic review


Re: No FTPS option in my Login dialog

SOLVED: I downloaded 4.2.2 build 480 and I now see the option.
I worked with my hosting company to determine the correct port.

Re: No FTPS option in my Login dialog

If I select FTP in the Session tab I don't see how to "choose one of the FTPS invocation methods."

No FTPS option in my Login dialog

Version 4.1.9 build 416. Vista SP1.
My login dialog has SFTP, SCP and FTP, not FTPS as mentioned in the connect guide docs.
My host supports FTPES (FTP over TLS) but I don't know how to use this in WinSCP.

Re: How do u sign in ?

hippy wrote:

Hi, How do u sign in ????? I couldnt sign in at all. how do u make an account???
plz help :(

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

How do u sign in ?

Hi, How do u sign in ????? I couldnt sign in at all. how do u make an account???
plz help :(

Re: cant connect to proftp with tls

May I have a test account on your server?

cant connect to proftp with tls


i have a another problem
i can connect to my proftp server via ftp
but if i enable tls, i cant connect
with filezilla i can connect

proftp use this settings for tls

winscp (4.2.1 build 457 your debug version| 4.1.9 build 416 portable version)

here is the whole log from the last connect