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RE: disable SSH bugs when using command line

I think I figured it out, I had to change my startup configuration from the registry to an ini file.

Re: disable SSH bugs when using command line

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disable SSH bugs when using command line

I'm using WinSCP version 4.1.9 (build 416). I can connect to a particular site using sftp through the GUI but when I try through the command line interface, I get a "incoming packet was garbled" error. I have all of the SSH bug detections in the GUI version turned off and I notice in the logs that it shows "SSH Bugs: +,+,+,+,+,+,+,+". But the logs when I use the command line version show "SSH Bugs: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-". Is there a parameter I can use to turn the SSH bugs detection off in the command line as well?
