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Re: Error creating temporary file due to illegal characters

Thanks for your post. This issue has been added to tracker.

Error creating temporary file due to illegal characters

Hello *,

when trying to edit a file on a server (Explorer-Interface: right-click on file, select Edit), it fails with the following message:
Cannot create temporary directory 'C:\DOKUME~1\xxx\LOKALE~1\Temp\scp59343\...\xxx\'. You may change root directory to store temporary files in Preferences.

The file to edit is located on the server at

(Replaced some strings with xxx for shortening and privacy)

The problem here is, that no a directory with the name ... (only dots, no letters or numbers) is not allowed in the windows filesystem and so the creation of the directory fails.

There should be a substitution of those illegal characters when temporary saving those files.

Thanks for this great program!


WinSCP 4.1.9 (Build 416)
Windows XP Professional SP3 German
Connectiontype: SFTP-3