- kYuZz
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- martin
Re: [REQUEST]Make the font for the path bigger and more readable
OK. This request has been added to tracker.
- kYuZz
Re: [REQUEST]Make the font for the path bigger and more readable
WinSCP should use the same colors as are used for Windows caption. So as long as your have sensible theme in Windows it should be readable. Can you post a screenshot?
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Even if probably the readability of the color combo is arguable, I would like that the font was bigger.
- martin
Re: [REQUEST]Make the font for the path bigger and more readable
WinSCP should use the same colors as are used for Windows caption. So as long as your have sensible theme in Windows it should be readable. Can you post a screenshot?
- kYuZz
[REQUEST]Make the font for the path bigger and more readable
I think it would be nice if the font for the path at top of each panel (in commander view) was bigger.
Also, the current color combination (black on blue) is not very readable.
Also, the current color combination (black on blue) is not very readable.