The issue I had with the missing 4k turned out to be some legacy fortran code that doesn't always close files, but that people claimed was bug-free.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
This may be unrelated. I had logging running this time(unfortunately the log got lost when the session died).
It lost connection to the server and kept attempting to reconnect. Eventually I told it just to stop, at this point the log window disappeared and a windows message box appeared saying, "Assertion failed: xdrPtr && xdrPtr == *xdrLPP, file xx.cpp, line 2233" followed by, "Abnormal program termination" and then it terminated.
The program has been kept open for a few days, but I didn't notice a memory leak.
I just found the logging option and will keep it enabled so that I can provide (hopefully) more helpful information. What logging level should I use?