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Re: How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

Anonymous wrote:

Question back: is "SFTP" and "FTPS" different?

Completely different.

Re: How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

No I didn't. But in my v4.1.9 I do see the option "FTPs".

Where? There's no FTPS option in 4.1.9.

Question back: is "SFTP" and "FTPS" different?

martin wrote:

Is v4.2 downloadable or is it Beta?


Downloaded and will look at.

Re: How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

Anonymous wrote:

No I didn't. But in my v4.1.9 I do see the option "FTPs".

Where? There's no FTPS option in 4.1.9.

Is v4.2 downloadable or is it Beta?


Re: How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

martin wrote:

Do you know that FTPS is supported since WinSCP 4.2.x only?

No I didn't. But in my v4.1.9 I do see the option "FTPs". Is v4.2 downloadable or is it Beta?

Re: How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

Do you know that FTPS is supported since WinSCP 4.2.x only?

How To - Connect Info for a specific Hoster?

Good evening, please let me Register later - ok, it's an excuse to have a fast answer for my question ;)

I have a new Hoster in Germany ( for my new domain. The Hoster have send me possibilities to access my root either through https:// or FTPs. But I want to connect with WinSCP to my account. The Hoster says he doesn't know WinSCP.

Can please anybody help me on "How to"? Probably the FTPs should be working I tried to no avail.

Many thanks for your support.